During our latest field trip to Jakarta, Matthias and I had the opportunity to visit the Jakarta Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD Jakarta), which was also represented at our recent scenario workshop.

The BPBD is an extremely important stakeholder in the context of flood risk management and flood relief in Jakarta and, therefore, a valuable partner for our research in TRANSCEND. Key responsibilities of BPBD are monitoring natural hazards, such as flooding, fires, and earthquakes and emergency response. However, they are also involved in capacity building, awareness raising and education about behaviour in disaster situations.

During our visit, Mr Basuki Rahmat, Head of Sub Division at BPBD DKI Jakarta, and his team showed us their control room, including the real-time monitoring of emergencies and weather conditions. We also got a tour of their education centre, where, for example, school classes receive dedicated workshops on disasters and how to behave in emergency situations. The different rooms in the education centre are impressively equipped and designed for interactive learning.

We look forward to further exchange and collaboration with the BPBD!